With that said....whether we like it, or not. It's time to get back to work, or rather, back to school. TPT is having their annual Back-to-School sale today, Sunday, August 12th through Monday, August 13th. Most sellers, including myself, are participating in the sale. To sweeten the pot, TPT is throwing in an extra 10% off if you use the promotion code, BTS12, at checkout.
I have some great things in my store, but I thought I would highlight a few that were specifically designed to make going back to school a little easier. We all like the sound of that, right?
1) The "belle of the ball" at my store right now has to be my Back to School: Getting to Know You Activities Pack. Can you believe it has been pinned over 47,000 times! Amazing! (Update: Now 129,000+ times)
Below is just ONE activity in this pack.
You can find this pack, On Sale!, at my Tpt store, HERE!
2) Back to School Journals - I originally made this journal for 2nd grade only, since that is what I teach. However, I received so many requests for other grade levels, that I created a 1st and 3rd grade version. These journals are designed to provide you with information about the skills your new students are coming to you with. They contain a writing prompt and skills assessment page for the first 2 weeks of school. All of them are designed in a cute owl theme. Click on the images to get a better look.
3) Differentiated Behavior Punch Cards - This whole idea started when I found Rachelle' Smith's, from What The Teacher Wants, free punch card online. I started using it last year, and really loved that I was able to acknowledge those students who were doing their best to follow our classroom rules everyday. Rachelle was kind enough to let me play around with her idea and create the differentiated and themed versions you see below. Click on the thumbnails to get a better look.
The Apple and Green Polka Dot version can be downloaded for free, HERE!
Didn't see what you are looking for?
Remember, ALL of these FABULOUS shops will be on sale, as well! Use the same code (BTS12) to save at their shops as well! Special thanks to Cecelia from I Love First Grade for organizing this!

at http://www.teacherspa yteachers.com/Store/Mrhughes
Be sure to visit my blog at http://educatorslife.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/The-Peanut- Gallery
Be sure to visit her blog at http://peanutgallery19.blogspot.com
Be sure to visit The Teaching Bank's blog at http://theteachingbank.blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Cecelia-Magro-I-Love-1st- Grade
Be sure to visit Cecelia’s blog at http://ilove1stgrade.blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit Cecelia’s blog at http://ilove1stgrade.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Teachers- Clipart
Be sure to visit Oxana’s blog at http://teachersclipart.blogspot.com/< /a>

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Tracee- Orman
Be sure to visit Tracee’s blog at http://www.traceeorman.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Shuna-P
Be sure to visit Shuna’s blog at http://www.pocketfullofkinde rs.blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/From-the- Pond
Be sure to visit her blog at http://frompond.blogspot.com/</ b>
Be sure to visit her blog at http://frompond.blogspot.com/</ b>
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Laura- Martin
Be sure to visit Laura’s blog at http://www.peaceloveandf irstgrade.blogspot.com
Be sure to visit Laura’s blog at http://www.peaceloveandf irstgrade.blogspot.com
at http://www.teach erspayteachers.com/Store/Msfultzscorner
Be sure to visit her blog at http://msfultz.blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://msfultz.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/The-Book- Princess
Be sure to visit her blog at http://firstgradebloomabilities.b logspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Erin-Morrison
Be sure to visit Erin’s blog at http://www.talesfromroom112. blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit Erin’s blog at http://www.talesfromroom112. blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Renee-Goularte
Be sure to visit Renee’s blog at http://creatingartwithkids.blogspot.c om/
Be sure to visit Renee’s blog at http://creatingartwithkids.blogspot.c om/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://teachwithlaughter.blogspot.ca/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Samantha- Kelly
Be sure to visit Samantha’s blog at http://mrskellysklass.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Linda- Nelson
Be sure to visit Linda’s blog at http://www.primaryinspiration. blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Doodles-And- Kreations
Be sure to visit their blog at http://spanishbeginnningsoun ds.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Brenda-Martin-12
Be sure to visit Brenda’s blog at http://teachingdreaminglearni ng.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Liv-To- Teach
Be sure to visit Olivia’s blog at http://livtoteach.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Jennifer- Findley
Be sure to visit Jennifer’s blog at http://www.teachingtoinspi rein5th.blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Tinas-Teaching- Treasures
Be sure to visit Tina’s blog at http://www.tinasteachingtreasures.com/
Be sure to visit Tina’s blog at http://www.tinasteachingtreasures.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Cynthia- Vautrot
Be sure to visit Cynthia’s blog at http://www.2ndgradepad.blogspot.co m/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Kathy-Goosev- Howell
Be sure to visit Kathy’s blog at http://kafysbooks.blogspot.com/</ div>

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Keeping-It- Captivating
Be sure to visit Rebecca’s blog at http://keepingitcaptivating.blogspot .com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/The-Science- Penguin
Be sure to visit their blog at http://www.thesciencepenguin.com/
Be sure to visit their blog at http://www.thesciencepenguin.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Wild-About- Words
Be sure to visit Heather’s blog at http://www.wildaboutwords.blog spot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Diving-Into- Learning
Be sure to visit her blog at http://divingintolearning.blogspot.co m/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Linda- Kamp
Be sure to visit Linda’s blog at http://aroundthekampfire.blogspot.c om
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Mrs-Seymours-Super- Stars
Be sure to visit Jeannie’s blog at http://www.mrsseymourssuper stars.blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit Jeannie’s blog at http://www.mrsseymourssuper stars.blogspot.com/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Martha-Moore
Be sure to visit Martha’s facebook at http://www.fac ebook.com/PrimaryResourcesByMarthaMoore

at http://www.teache rspayteachers.com/Store/Teachingrocks
Be sure to visit their blog at www.teachingrocks.ca

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Games-4- Learning
Be sure to visit her blog at http://fungames4learning.blogspot.c om
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Jessica- Tobin
Be sure to visit Jessica’s blog at http://secondgradenest.blogspot.com/</ b>
Be sure to visit Jessica’s blog at http://secondgradenest.blogspot.com/</ b>
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Cassandra-Geiser- 46
Be sure to visit Cassandra’s blog at http://room5teacher.blogspot.com/</ a>
Be sure to visit Cassandra’s blog at http://room5teacher.blogspot.com/</ a>
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/The-Daily- Alphabet
Be sure to visit her blog at http://dailyalphabet.blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://dailyalphabet.blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Deana- Thelen
Be sure to visit Deana’s blog at http://www.firstgradechatter.blogspot .com
Be sure to visit Deana’s blog at http://www.firstgradechatter.blogspot .com
Be sure to visit Julie's blog at http://www.teachingthelittlepeople.blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Leslie-Hope
Be sure to visit Leslie’s blog at http://thegroovyteacher.blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit Leslie’s blog at http://thegroovyteacher.blogspot.com/
at http://www.teac herspayteachers.com/Store/Teachermomof3
Be sure to visit her blog at http://literacyteachermomof3.blo gspot.com/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://literacyteachermomof3.blo gspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Lita-Lita
Be sure to visit her blog at http://learninginspain.blogspot.com.e s/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://learninginspain.blogspot.com.e s/

at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Karen- Langdon
Be sure to visit Karen’s blog at http://www.teachingace.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Stories-By- Storie
Be sure to visit her blog at http://storiesbystorie.blogspot.com/< /a>
Be sure to visit her blog at http://storiesbystorie.blogspot.com/< /a>
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Lindsay-Perro
Be sure to visit Lindsay’s blog at http://commoncoremathideas.blo gspot.com/
Be sure to visit Lindsay’s blog at http://commoncoremathideas.blo gspot.com/
at http://www.teac herspayteachers.com/Store/Thehappyteacher
Be sure to visit Liz’s blog at http://thehappyteachertpt.blogspot.c om/
Be sure to visit Liz’s blog at http://thehappyteachertpt.blogspot.c om/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Page-Cristy
Be sure to visit Page and Cristy’s blog at http://kindergartensquared.blogspot .com/
Be sure to visit Page and Cristy’s blog at http://kindergartensquared.blogspot .com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Positively- Learning/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://positivelylearning.blogspot.com
Be sure to visit her blog at http://positivelylearning.blogspot.com
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Ms-Smarty- Pants
Be sure to visit her blog at http://msbeattiesamantha. blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit her blog at http://msbeattiesamantha. blogspot.com/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Teresa-Williams- 8
Be sure to visit Teresa’s blog at http://williams2ndgradepigpen. blogspot.com/
Be sure to visit Teresa’s blog at http://williams2ndgradepigpen. blogspot.com/
at http://www.teachers payteachers.com/Store/Spanishplans
Be sure to visit his blog at http://spanishplans.org/
Be sure to visit his blog at http://spanishplans.org/
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Top-Notch- Teaching
Be sure to visit Melinda’s blog at http://topnotchteaching.com< /div>
Be sure to visit Melinda’s blog at http://topnotchteaching.com< /div>
at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Charlottes- Clips
Be sure to visit Charlotte’s blog at http://cathedralkindergarten.blogs pot.com/
Be sure to visit Charlotte’s blog at http://cathedralkindergarten.blogs pot.com/
Andrea at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Andrea-W
Be sure to visit Andrea’s blog at http://steppingintofirstgrade.blogs pot.com/
Be sure to visit Andrea’s blog at http://steppingintofirstgrade.blogs pot.com/
Where else but the Teachers Pay Teachers
Super Start of the School Year Sale!
Super Start of the School Year Sale!
Have a great day!
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