Monday, July 21, 2014

Best. Summer. Ever! My Top 5 Vacation Memories from 2014

Today is my last day of summer vacation.  Sniff, sniff.  It's so hard to say goodbye.

I tried to savor every moment.

Recently, I have begun negotiating.

Denial has been my constant companion. 

Alas, acceptance has come grudgingly.

Why am I having such a hard time letting go?  

Here are my top 5 summer memories.

1)  On the night of my last day of school, my husband surprised me (and I mean we've been married for 14 years, and he has never done this kind of stuff before…SURPRISED me) with a trip to Puerto Nuevo in Baja California.  I haven't been to Baja in over 9 years since all the scary news reports.  But, everyone said it was over-exaggerated and that things have settled down. So, I anxiously agreed to go. And you know what?  We had a great time!  

2) Doing WHATEVER I want - be it fun, lame, silly, pointless. It didn't matter because it was what I wanted to do at the time.

Like hiking with my buddy Jack, for instance.  Isn't he cute?

Or, making homemade almond milk. Why? Because it's so good, and easy! (and because I paid an arm and a leg for that Vitamix)

I also tried new morning smoothie recipes. (Note to self: Watercress in your morning smoothie is NOT advisable. Bleck!)

3)  We took a family vacation with my Mom, Dad, and sister's family.  We caravanned down to Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico.  It was a loooooong drive at 9 hours, but it was so worth it.  

 A Shell Lover's Dream!

Can't beat spending time with my family. 

4)  I also attended the 1st Annual TPT Seller's Conference in Las Vegas.

I got to meet my Primary Chalkboard family, in person.

Eat at 3 Michelin Star - Joel Robuchon's restaurant.
And spend some much needed quality time with my husband.

5)  Yesterday, I returned from my most recent memorable vacation adventure.  Our annual family campout, and reunion, in San Onofre, California.  Surfing, sun, laughing, dolphins, and just plain ole' relaxing with my extended family.  

Ok, so there you have it.  Now, you know why I feel the way I do! 

You would too, if you had to go back to this tomorrow.  Ugh!

I will leave that story for another day.  Carry on, friends, and enjoy every minute!

Just in case you are way more eager than myself, and already hard at work getting ready for back to school, you can find some amazing ideas and resources on my Pinterest board.


  1. Looks like you had an amazing summer, I'm super jealous! :)

  2. We just got back from Napa. We ate at Brix and the chef is also Michelin star. Looks like you had a great summer. Jean--Legally Schooling

  3. Nicole, what an AMAZING vacation... wow I should just follow you around next summer, I didn't do a darn thing except work (no relaxation whatsoever!) xo
