Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bright Ideas - Unit Resources Organization

Bright Idea Time!  Ohhhh, I honestly get giddy with excitement!

Now I do love and aspire to being organized. But, I am definitely a work in progress.

So, because I need all the help I can get, I make my own "always-at-the-ready" reference books.  All I do is copy all of the songs, mini anchor charts, reference materials etc… that I typically use during the course of a unit, and stick them in plastic page-protectors, and then join them together with a ring clip (I know these have a different name, but for the life of me, I can't remember it right now.)  

I keep each unit resource book in the front of each unit box in my storage closet.  When I start a unit, I take the whole pack and hang it on a thumbtack near my docucam.  Anytime I find a new resource, I just make an extra copy for the "book" before I file it away.  

I really love this idea because I'm always ready now.  Bring it on teachable moment!  

In fact, I love it so much that I keep an ELA and Math set at my small group/intervention table.  If I need to refer to a study page or song to refresh a student's memory, it's right there.  Coins?  Got it!  Counting by 5's?  Hundred Chart is at-the-ready! I've got it all covered.  

I hope this simple idea, can helps you organize your next unit. If you enjoyed visiting, please consider following me on Facebook, Pinterest, or here on my blog.

Ready for more Bright Ideas? Take a look below.


  1. This is a great way to keep everything organized and together so you aren't having to hunt things down or make new pieces to your unit. Great idea!!
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. Great post Nicole! I love to TRY and be organized so I will be using your idea to help keep me on my toes. Thanks!
    :) Shelley
    The Write Stuff Teaching

  3. I absolutely love this idea! I am always looking for ways to make things more organized and simple. Thank you!
    Fun in Room 4B

  4. Ok. Now this is brilliant. I can think of a million ways to use it!!! Love it! Thank you!!!
