Sunday, March 30, 2014

2nd Grade Product Swap and Blog Hop

Happy Sunday Morning!  Welcome to the second grade product swap and blog hop!  EIGHTEEN wonderful second grade bloggers have joined together to swap and review each other's products.  Best of all, we are giving away all of the products to one lucky winner!  

If you are looking for the start of the hop, head over to see Casey at SecondGrade Math Maniac to start hopping.  As you check out all the fabulous products, make sure to follow each blog on Bloglovin' as well.  There will be a Rafflecopter at the last stop.  This is where you can enter to win all of the products being reviewed!

I had the good fortune of being paired up with Brianna from The Price of Teaching blog.  I chose her Chevron and Owls Writing Poster Set! 

I chose this out of all the other wonderful items in her store because I believe writing is my weakest area of instruction.  I have been experimenting with running Writer's Workshop, but I cannot say I am 100% comfortable with it yet.  I thought that having a few tools, like anchor charts and routines, would be very helpful in launching me us forward. 

First of all, I love owls and chevron. My behavior management charts are owls and chevron, so I knew this product was going to mesh nicely with what I already had going on.  What I especially love about them is how bright and happy they are.  I am a bright and happy kind of person!

This product contains 3 parts:


This part contains 8 cheerful writing posters.  Brianna's set contained a poster for Brainstorm, Prewrite, Rough Draft, Revise, Edit, Almost Final Copy, Final Copy, Publish.  

I like how Brianna offers the standard posters, as well as some extras that she has found helpful in her room. You choose the ones that will be a part of your students' writing routine. 

You can have them up near your writing board, or Brianna suggests lining them up in order, attaching them, and laminating them to create a clip chart.  This clip chart can easily show what stage each child is in, so that you can plan your writing conferences, and writing sessions, better. 

Next, the set comes with these A.R.M.S. posters

This to me has been the most difficult thing to teach my students. These are the clear revising routines that I really want to work on establishing.  My students need  a lot of guidance as to what it means to look at our writing to improve clarity, flow, detail, and meaning.  These great posters and checklist, will give them the visual scaffolding they need, until they have mastered it on their own.  Brianna suggest hanging the posters once more, or just having them handy for conferences or your writing lessons.

Finally, this set includes

Here Brianna offers 3 great posters to guide students through the editing process. For the blue U poster there are two versions, depending on the goals you have for your students. The first version has U standing for Understanding, and has kids checking to make sure their sentences make sense and have enough detail.  The other version for U focuses on Usage.  Here the students are prompted to check for things like subject-verb agreement. Once again, so many options have been provided in this great pack.

I will be putting all my things together on my prep day before the students come back from Spring Break. I am super excited, and think that this will make a huge difference in my confidence level during our writing block, which will ultimately result in greater student success. Fantastic Work, Brianna!

Both Brianna's store and mine are on sale today!  So go check out this poster pack right now!
Ok, Click the button below to head over to Nicole at Teaching With Style.
Best of luck!


  1. Oh, this product is so adorable and useful! My shopping cart is getting full! I agree with you, revision is so tough for the kids...I like the idea of a checklist to guide them! Happy to be in this swap with you...I am a new follower now, too!
    Tracey :)
    The Teacher’s Chair
    Find me on Facebook!Share the Bloglovin’!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad the posters are helpful! My kids love moving their clips to the stage they are on in the writing process. They feel like it is a big moment haha. I hope you're kiddos like it too. Thanks for the great review! I have been loving your Writing Tools Flip Book by the way!!!

    The Price of Teaching

  3. Chevron, Owls, and Useful!!! Adorable!! Great review :)

  4. Your writing tool flip booklets are great. I just added to my cart. Brianna did a great job on the review. Wonderful job on your review as well.

  5. Looks great! I LOVE the fun colors on the posters, but they are still easy to read. ALMOST makes me wish that I was teaching writing this year. :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac

  6. Thanks for participating! Love your new blog design. I didn't use the acronyms CUPS and ARMS with my students this idea why...but I have in the past and these posters look great!

    Literacy Spark

  7. Wow, great review! This product was definitely well thought out and extensive! My writing block could definitely use some revamping! I find that my 2nd graders have a hard time being patient enough to go through all of the writing steps but this is definitely something that I would like to improve!
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners
