Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We're Going on a Blog Hunt Linky Party

Well, a lot of us - post Google Reader - are looking for a new feed reader that will organize all of the blogs we follow.  You might even be on the hunt for some great new blogs!  I know with the prospect of a 1/2 combo next year, I am!

I recently made the switch to Bloglovin' and am really liking it.  It was super easy to sign up, and I was able to transfer all of the blogs I followed through Google Reader into my Bloglovin' account.  I also like the once a day email I receive that has all my favorite blogs' recent posts listed for me.

If you haven't done so yet, you can follow my blog by clicking on the big Bloglovin' button on the right sidebar. Thanks to Melissa Mazur for sharing the awesome button! 

Or you can just click on the link below.  

Follow on Bloglovin

So, I am linking up with Laura Candler over at Corkboard Connections to help you add some great new elementary level blogs to your feed.


On the hunt for more great blogs?  No need to look any further~

1 comment:

  1. I discovered BlogLovin' by accident a few months ago on my cellphone and am so glad I did! Especially since Google Reader is no more. It makes catching up on my favorite blogs really easy. The only thing that I haven't been able to figure out yet is how to change my profile picture. It keeps updating it with my Facebook picture...
    I'm going on a blog hunt now...so excited!
    :0) Melissa
    More Time 2 Teach
