Saturday, December 1, 2012

Eggs, Eggs, and more Eggs! Oh, my!

I purchased a "few" things during the TPT Cyber Monday and Tuesday Sale, and wanted to share some of my favorite finds.

I know it's December, but here in So. Cal. we had a very warm November.  So many Monarch butterflies got derailed on their way to Mexico.  I am now a proud...if not a somewhat neurotic, "helicopterish" Mama, of 3 adorable little caterpillars and about 6 eggs.  The only problem is that these babies are HUNGRY, and milkweed is scarce this time of year.  The good news:  After, calling 7 different nurseries, I scored 4 milkweed plants today.  The bad news:  The new plants are loaded with more eggs.  Ay! Ay! Ay!

So, guess what we will be studying for the next couple of weeks?

I picked up this fabulous craft from one of my favorite sellers, Linda Kamp.  She is awesome!  My kids are going to go bazonkers...(Is that a word?) ....when I show them this craft.  It includes all 4 stages of the life cycle of the butterfly, and includes a place for informational writing.  LOVE!

Butterfly Life Cycle On A String Craftivity

My kids love fact hunts, and moving around the room.  This item from Anita Goodwin has it all!  
Monarch Butterfly Fact Find

My last fave is this little craftivity from LitaLita.  I think it is so cute.  I am going to use it to have the students practice orally retelling the life cycle of a butterfly.

Butterfly Fold and Learn

What great things did you find?  Link up over at Blog Hoppin' to share your steals.


  1. I am your newest follower! Looks like you picked up some great products! Please stop by my little blog and see what I found as well!


  2. Thanks so much for buying my unit and thanks again for blogging about it. :)

  3. Nicole, you are so sweet! Thank you! You're pretty amazing yourself!

    I'm thrilled you like it and hope your kiddos have fun with their butterflies. We "hatch"? them in April and it's one of the highlights of the year for my kiddos!
