Sunday, August 26, 2012

Late to the Party! But, I brought Freebies!

Ok, I know, I know, I am late to the Teacher Week Friday Link Up.  But, sometimes life is banging on your door, and you just have to let it in!

Anyway, if you are like me, you are probably still doing a lot of review with your students.  According to the results of my assessments, my reading group and I will have to spend some time reviewing all the short vowel sounds before we move on to new patterns.  

One of the fun things I use to review short vowels are my short vowel flipbooks.  I have done all the hard work, here.  There is no copying and turning, copying and rotating.  You simply copy, fold, and staple.  Easy and fast.  I promise.  The best part is the kids absolutely love them!

Right now, I have Short A for FREE!  The other short vowel flipbooks are now bundled for purchase in my store.

I also will be pulling out my "I Have, Who Has" games.  I created a whole set that asks children to segment and blend words with short vowels.  I carefully designed each of my "I Have, Who Has" games to also review most consonant sounds, as well.  

My Short A Game is available for free by clicking the image below.

The other short vowels have been bundled and are available for purchase at my Tpt store.  Click on the images below:

I hope everyone is having a great Back-to-School time!

Check out some other great Freebies by clicking on the button below:

Happy Sunday,


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