Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fabulous Tech Tools - Day 3

Hi Everyone,

This will be the last post on tech tools that I loved from the ISTE 2012 Conference held last week in San Diego.  Not to say that I won't be sharing more tech tools in the future, but I will be turning my attention to My Classroom Makeover and Back-to-School prep.  So stay tuned!

Onto Techie Awesomeness....

1)  The Toontastic app, on ITunes, was such a big hit with some of you that I thought I would share one more story-building app that you might want to take a look at.  This one is not free, but at $4.99, is totally worth it.  It is called StoryPatch.  Take a look at the video below for a demo.

I think this app could be so helpful with those kiddos who just hate to put pencil to paper, or students with special needs and small motor skill difficulties.  Once again, this app makes it totally apparent to me that I MUST get an IPAD, like yesterday!   This brings me to my next tech tool...

2)  Donor's Choose - is a website where teachers can create projects asking for materials for their classrooms.  Generous donors search for projects that are meaningful to them, and fund those projects.  When your project is fully funded, Donor's Choose takes care of making sure your materials are sent to your school.  All you have to do is create a project, and then create a Thank You package (it's not as complicated as it might sound) for your donors. 

I have a project in-draft right now on my DonorsChoose site to request that much needed IPad.  I have been pretty lucky with getting projects funded in the past, so I am hopeful. 

Mrs Rios Teaches: Fun, easy, and (mostly) free technology tips, tools, and apps for the primary classroom. | Donors Choose

If you have never tried DonorsChoose, head on over to Jessica Stanford's website (Mrs. Stanford's Class).    She has a detailed post on how to get started with your very first project.  I think I read that she has received over $20,000 of free classroom materials from this site!

3)  Ok, I am still playing around with this last one, but I thought I would throw it out there and see if it sticks with any of you.  It is called ClassDojo.  This is a behavior management website.  It allows you to record both positive and negative behaviors for each of your students, create reports, and... according to more than one presenter at ISTE, is very motivating to students.  Two things that I like about this website are that 1) you can connect to the website via your smartphone, or other mobile device, and use it as a "remote control" of sorts, to record behaviors from anywhere in your classroom and 2) you can email parents the behavior "report cards".  It has too many features to go into detail about, but their website has an excellent tour for you to check out.

I would love to hear your feedback on these tech tools.  Or better yet, if you have used any of these tools in your classroom, we would love to hear about your experience.

Want to see more technology posts? Click the image below.

Mrs Rios Teaches: Fun, easy, and (mostly) free technology tips, tools, and apps for the primary classroom.

For even more technology ideas, follow me on Pinterest!

Have a great day.



  1. Hi there! I am so excited about these tools. I downloaded the apps and started an account with classdojo. My students would love the apps (I need a school iPad, too) and class dojo will be very useful. It's great that you cann quickly record behaviors and email parents who you need to keep in close contact with throughout the year. Thanks for sharing!

    I would love to have you visit my site at TeachItToday! !


    1. Wow Heather, you've been busy! I need to play more with ClassDojo over the summer so I can see how practical it will be for me to use on a daily basis. It looks fun though.

      I will head over to your website right now!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


  2. Have I told you lately how much I love your blog? Well I do and to show my appreciation I'm posting something at midnight (oooooh the suspense) about you!!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class

    1. Oooooh, it's like Christmas Eve in July! Thanks, Jessica!


  3. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I am in love! Thanks for sharing all these techy resources! I'm your newest follower, stop by my blog when you get a chance.
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

    1. Welcome,

      Thank you for following me. I will head over and return the favor. I am always looking for great 2nd grade blogs.


  4. Nicole, I have an award for you! Come on over.
    - Amanda
    Inspired in Second

    1. Thanks Amanda, I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my blog.


  5. Just found your blog and love the techy tips!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Robynn. I hope you found something new to try out in your classroom.


  6. Great blog, I'm your newest follower. Please check out my blog if you have time. Calling Plays in the 2nd grade.


    1. Thanks, Shanell! Looking forward to checking out your blog.


  7. I love Donorschoose! I am your newest follower! I just started a teaching blog to connect with other passionate educators!
    Fancy Free in Fourth

    1. Wonderful to meet you, Layla! I will head over to check your blog, as well.

