Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin Reading Teachers

On the brighter side of yesterday's post, I have something to share. Often I feel completely inadequate at this whole blogging thing. What could I possibly have to share that others would be interested in?  There are so many amazing blogs.

But, then I remembered that I do have ONE thing that I am very proud of that I can share, that you might be interested in....well, if you are a 2nd grade Houghton Mifflin teacher. Hello? Anyone still there?

Well, for those of you who stuck around. On my class website, I have a resource page with many, many, wonderful resources for HM. Over the last 5 -6 years, I have compiled links from all over the web, as well as, added my own original resources. Please check it out! Click the image below.

I have also begun a HM 2nd Grade Reading Board on my Pinterest account. It's still pretty new, but it is growing.

Have a great day!



  1. Thanks for sharing! I am switching from K to 2nd grade next year and we use HM.

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  2. Thanks for linking to my stuff- HM syllabication and such.
    My website link has changed though so you might want to change the dead link.

    New address


    Yearn to Learn Blog

  3. Thanks for the update, Denise. I could have sworn I just went thru and made sure all my links were live. Makes me wonder if I missed a few more. Hmmmmm?! Thanks for sharing such wonderful resources with all of us who are teaching HM.


  4. Hi Nicole! I teach second grade and use Houghton Mifflin! I follow your store, blog and just followed you on Pinterest. Thanks for creating an HM board! I recently started one as well. Collecting and pinning HM resources is one of my projects for the summer. I'd love to share and repin with you!


  5. Yeah! Linda, I would love to share HM resources. How do I find your Pinterest board so that I can follow you?


  6. Thanks for your HM resources!! Yes, I still teach 2nd grade HM, but I am new to 2nd grade after 27 years of older kids. I need all the help I can get. I need a link to your pinterest board. I do not know much about pinterest yet. Thanks!!!

  7. Thanks for sharing you HM resources. We are trying to update our curriculum to match the Core Curriculum.

  8. Thanks for sharing you HM resources. We are trying to update our curriculum to match the Core Curriculum.

  9. Nicole, I have used your H-M site and have shared it with countless others. Thank you for your hard work and "really good stuff!"
